
AC Audit Committee under the Board of Directors
ACRA Analytical Credit Rating Agency
AERS Automatic Emergency Response System
AMDS Automatic Monitoring and Dispatching System
APCS Automated Process Control System
APMS Automatic Process Management System
BAM Baikal‑Amur Mainline
Bank of Russia Central Bank of the Russian Federation
Bird Diverter Bird Diverter
Board Board of Directors
BRELL Energy Ring of Belarus, Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
CGC Corporate Governance Code
CHPP Combined Heat and Power Plant
CIGRE International Council on Large Electric Systems of High Voltage
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
Computer Electronic Computing Machine
Director Member of the Board of Directors of PJSC Rosseti

Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation

EBITDA is calculated as earnings before income tax expense, interest expense, depreciation and amortisation and net impairment loss

ED Executive Documents
EEC Eurasian Economic Commission
EMS Environmental Management System
EnMS Energy Management System
ESG Environmental, Social, Governance
FAS Federal Accounting Standards
FAS of Russia Federal Antimonopoly Service
FEC Fuel and Energy Complex
FFMS Federal Financial Markets Service
FOCL Fibre‑Optic Communication Line
FSBEI HE Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
FZ Federal Law
GC Grid Connection
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GOST National Standard
GRES State District Power Plant
HPP Hydro Power Plant
HSMT Health and Safety Management System
IC Investment Committee under the Board of Directors
ICPS Interconnected Power System
ICS Internal Control System
IDC Interdependent Companies
IDGC Interregional Distribution Grid Company
IDP Innovative Development Programme
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
IMF International Monetary Fund
IR Investor Relations
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISTL Inter‑State Transmission Lines
JSC Joint Stock Company
KOR Key Operational Risk
KPI Key performance indicators
LGO Local Grid Operator
LLC Limited Liability Company
LTDP Long‑Term Development Programme
M&A Mergers and Aquisitions
Mass Media Mass media
MC Management Company
MED Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
MGIMO Moscow State Institute of International Relations
Minenergo of Russia Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
MPE Mining and Processing Enterprise
MPEI National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”
MPG Main Power Grids
MPGE Main Power Grid Enterprise
MSU Moscow State University
NCGR National Corporate Governance Rating
NPP Nuclear Power Plant
NPP Non‑Profit Partnership
OHSMS Occupational Health and Safety Management System
OJSC Open Joint Stock Company
OLTC On‑Load Tap‑Changer
OPM Operational and Process Management
OTL Overhead Transmission Line
PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyls
PDA Priority Development Area
PJSC Public Joint Stock Company
PRC Personnel and Remuneration Committee under the Board of Directors
PTL Power Transmission Line
QMS Quality Management System
QR‑code Quick Response Code
R&D Research and Development
RAS Russian Accounting Standards
RES Renewable Energy Sources
RF Russian Federation
RJSC Russian Joint Stock Company
RMS Risk Management System
RNC CIGRE International Council on Large Electric Systems of High Voltage
RPA Relay Protection and Automatics
RUIE Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
S&A Subsidiaries and Affiliates
SC Strategy Committee under the Board of Directors
SH Stakeholder
SME Small and Medium Enterprises
SoS Subsidiary of Subsidiary
SPbU Saint Petersburg State University
SPP Solar Power Plants
SRO AAS Self‑Regulatory Organisation of Auditors Association “Sodruzhestvo”
SS Substation
STC Scientific and Technical Centre
Subsidiary Subsidiaries
UES (UPS) Unified Energy System (Unified Power System)
UN United Nations
UN SDGs United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
UNECON Saint Petersburg State University of Economics
UNPG Unified National Power Grid (of Russia)
VAT Value Added Tax
WECM Wholesale Electricity and Capacity Market
WPP Wind Power Plant
Units of Measurement Definition
bln billion
GVA gigavolt‑ampere
GW gigawatt
km kilometre
kV kilovolt
kWh kilowatt‑hour
mln million
MVA megavolt‑ampere
MWh megawatt
p.p. percentage point
pcs piece
RUB Russian rouble
t tonne
TFOE tonne of fuel oil equivalent
thsd, ‘000 thousand
trln trillion
unit unit