Maps of key operational risks of PJSC Rosseti for 2021–2023

Risks of critical level
Unacceptable for the Company and subject to priority management

Risks of significant level
Not critical but have a significant impact on the Company’s operations and are subject to management

Risks of moderate level
Do not have a significant impact on the Company’s activities but are subject to periodic monitoring

Not applicable

As of the end of 2021Since it is anticipated that net profit will be higher than the amount specified in the business plan, KOR-009 is not applicable.
As of the end of 2022KOR-003 increased due to the revision of the methodological approach to determine the level of materiality of risks associated with the provision of grid connection services and the use of the revenue from the provision of grid connection services as a parameter for risk assessment. KOR-009 increased due to possible insignificant deviation of net profit from the plan.
As of the end of 2023Since the average transmission service tariff is projected to have a positive weighted average deviation, KOR-002 is not applicable. KOR-003 is not applicable due to the expected increase in revenue from sales of grid connection services. KOR-008 increased due to a possible growth of the debt load, which may affect the Company’s credit rating (in terms of reliability as a borrower) and cause a rise in the cost of subsequent borrowings.