Energy Consumption and Energy Saving

8,380 TFOE
technological outcome from measures taken to reduce energy/fuel consumption in 2023 146.58 rub mln , VAT EXCLUDED
economic outcome from measures taken to re‑duce energy/fuel consumption in 2023 Main aspects of energy saving policy implementation:
- Development and implementation of measures, and achievement of energy saving and energy efficiency improvement targets as well
- Development and improvement of regulatory and internal documents that address energy saving and energy efficiency improvement
- Upgrade of the organisation and management of energy saving and energy efficiency improvement system based on the requirements of ISO 50001:2018, Energy Management Systems. Requirements with Guidance for Use (national standard GOST R ISO 50001‑2023)
- Introduction of pilot projects to improve energy efficiency; implementation of organisational measures aimed at planning, organising and managing the development and introduction of new equipment and technologies
- Implementation of measures under the Energy Efficient Substation national project
To reduce technological consumption (losses), PJSC Rosseti implements measures aimed at the following:
- Optimising circuit parameters and operating conditions under operation and operational management of power grids
- Reducing power consumption for substations’ demands
- Constructing, renovating and developing power grids, as well as commissioning the energy‑saving equipment (so, loss reduction is concomitant)
Energy Management System
PJSC Rosseti and most of PJSC Rosseti’s subsidiaries have the Energy Management System (EnMS) in place, which contributes to:
- Improvement of energy efficiency targets
- Reduction in consumption of fuel and energy resources
- Achievement of the planned value of electric power losses
- Procurements with due regard to energy efficiency requirements
Subsidiaries have implemented and maintain key elements of EnMS: planning, risks, documentation, functions and interaction of divisions, internal audits, and analysis by the management.