Sustainable development
The Rosseti Group is committed to the principles of sustainable development, which include creating stable employment, preserving the environment, and advancing the growth of the regions where it operates.

Regional development
Approval of fundamental documents related to sustainable development
The Board of Directors approved the Sustainability Policy and Climate Policy of PJSC Rosseti.
Important: the adopted documents define unified principles and approaches to sustainable development and identify the climate agenda at the Company and the Group's companies.
Upgrade in ESG rating
The ACRA upgraded the ESG rating of PJSC Rosseti to ESG‑2, which corresponds to a very high score in the areas of environment, social responsibility and governance, driven by the large‑scale integration of sustainability principles into the business model of the Rosseti Group. According to the ACRA, Rosseti stands out for having a very high level of environmental, social and governance risk management, as well as a high level of compliance with international best practices.
Important: PJSC Rosseti's score on the ACRA rating scale is one of the best in the industry.
Signing of new agreements with Russia's leading industry universities
Rosseti signed comprehensive co‑operation agreements with National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute” (MPEI), Ivanovo Power Engineering Institute (IPEI) and Kazan State Energy University (KSPEU). The agreements aim to foster cooperation for future collaborative educational and research activities, popularise the field of power engineering, offer practice‑oriented training and enhance employees' competencies.
Important: in addition to strategic goals pertaining to guaranteeing the nation's energy sustainability and encouraging the growth of the sector and its human resources, the documents also consider the Rosseti Group's recent restructuring.
Rosseti's being among the TOP‑3 companies that place a strongest focus on biodiversity conservation
Rosseti ranked second in the RAEX ESG ranking on Biodiversity Conservation. Experts reviewed 160 Russian companies and selected 50 practices to analyse.
“Unlike most Russian companies, PJSC Rosseti takes a responsible approach to preserving natural ecosystems in all regions where it operates, and it also routinely evaluates the degree to which its infrastructure and facilities affect the variety and population of nearby flora and fauna,” RAEX said in its review.
Important: particular focus is given to the habitats of rare and endangered species such as black stork, white stork and oriental white stork, golden eagles, white‑tailed eagles, osprey, demoiselle crane, etc. Locations for equipment are determined using the recommendations of ornithologists and ecologists.
Cooperation in career guidance programmes for children
Rosseti and the Orlenok all‑Russian children's centre entered into an agreement to develop long‑term partnership in educational programmes and outreach activities for children and youth.
Important: the key formats of cooperation include holding thematic project shifts and interest groups, creating subject‑oriented classes and laboratories, and organising visits for schoolchildren to power grid facilities.