Timely and high‑quality delivery of production programmes, particularly, with the application of a risk‑based approach, makes it possible to annually improve the efficiency of measures taken and maintain the high reliability of power grid equipment, as evidenced by the absence of growth in the actual values of reliability indicators of the services rendered relative to the reliability level established by the tariff regulation authorities. Despite the actual increase compared to 2022, the system average interruption duration index (Id) improved against the target value set by FAS of Russia for 2023 (0.03192 hours) by 59%.
The year‑on‑year increase in the number of process faults across the Rosseti Group in 2023 can be explained by higher number of failures caused by the adverse impact of natural and climatic phenomena, as well as the interferences of unauthorised persons and organisations.
2023 plan
2023 actual
Change 2023/2022, %
System average interruption duration in the transmission gri d complex, Id, hour/interruptionsActual indicators of reliability of the services provided correspond to the reliability level established by the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (planned values: 2022 — 0.03241; 2023 — 0.03192).
–59Compared with the planned indicator for 2023. The indicator is improved by 59%.
Indicative indicator — volume of under‑delivered electric power Iens, MWh
Number of process faults (accidents) in the 110 kV grid, thsd faults
9.6For correct calculation of dynamic pattern, the data do not include the branches established in 2023, as well as JSC RES, JSC Electromagistral, JSC Energetik.
Number of process faults related to erroneous actions of all categories of the Company’s personnel, faults
36For correct calculation of dynamic pattern, the data do not include the branches established in 2023, as well as JSC RES, JSC Electromagistral, JSC Energetik.
In 2023, the indicators of reliability of services rendered Isaidi (system average interruption duration index per point of supply, hour) and PISAIFI (system average interruption frequency index per point of supply, interruptions) are comparable to the values of 2022.
The Company has the Regulations on the Uniform Technical Policy in the Power Grid SectorResolution of the Board of Directors of PJSC Rosseti dated 17 October 2022 (Minutes No. 592 dated 20 October 2022). in place (hereinafter referred to as the Uniform Technical Policy). The purpose of the document is to define the main technical areas that ensure higher reliability and efficiency of the power grid complex in the short and medium term while guaranteeing the safety and reliability of power supply to consumers, as well as the transition to risk‑oriented management coupled with digital technologies and big data analysis.