Information disclosure and transparency
To help all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, customers, and partners, to make informed decisions, PJSC Rosseti endeavours to disclose relevant information on key aspects of its operations. In its informational practices, the Company adheres to the principles of regularity, consistency, and promptness, as well as accessibility, reliability, completeness, and comparability of the data disclosed.
This is achieved through a variety of communication channels, one of which is the corporate website. In 2023, it was completely renewed pursuant to the restructuring the Rosseti Group underwent. Other opportunities, such as authorised disclosure systems, are also pursued.
The Company interacts with federal and regional mass media through press releases on the corporate website, posts in corporate social media and the Telegram channel. The Company also holds events for journalists featuring the management of the Company, its branches and subsidiaries, including press tours to the operating facilities of the power grid complex. In addition, prompt provision of information in response to media enquiries sent through official communication channels has been formalised.
The Rosseti Group is the absolute leader in the electric power industry in terms of the number of media mentions and is among the top-5 partially state-owned companies, which demonstrates the effectiveness of its information policy.
At year-end 2023, about 259,300 publications about the Rosseti Group were published in the media (Media Rating of Electric Power Companies by Scan-Interfax).
Key topics of the materials in mass media:
- Restructuring and introduction of a single centre of responsibility within the power grid complex
- Implementation of the investment programme, including nationwide scale projects related to the development of the Eastern Railway Range
- Increased reliability and stability of power supply to consumers
- Upgrade of infrastructure with the introduction of modern Russian made equipment
The expert community has traditionally praised the information transparency of the Rosseti Group's companies and the quality of reporting, which is confirmed by awards from high‑profile competitions. In 2023, PJSC Rosseti won in the category “Best Annual Report of a Company with the Capitalisation of RUB 40 to 200 billion” at the XXVI Annual Competition of Annual Reports held by the Moscow Exchange. The annual reports of seven subsidiaries of PJSC Rosseti were winners and runners‑up in the categories “Best Annual Report of a Company with the Capitalisation of up to RUB 40 billion”, “Best Corporate Governance Disclosure”, and “Breakthrough of the Year”.

— Without a doubt, the completed restructuring of the Rosseti Group was at the centre of attention. It was important for us to inform all stakeholders — not only shareholders and investors, but also customers, partners, and employees — about the changes. For this purpose, we completely revamped our corporate website and strengthened our interaction with federal and regional media. Our traditional agenda, which included power supply stability, major infrastructure projects, technological innovations, and customer services, also remained in focus.
Among the significant topics of 2023, I would also mention the opening of the Russia International Exhibition and Forum in Moscow. This event is unparalleled in terms of its concept and scale: all regions of our country, federal agencies, major corporations, and leading universities took part in it. PJSC Rosseti acted as the general partner of the joint exposition of the fuel and energy sector hosted by the Russian Ministry of Energy. At the exhibition, we presented the Company’s key achievements: from the construction of grid infrastructure for the Eastern Railway Range and the Power of Siberia gas pipeline to projects that are important for the comfortable life of each person.
Information transparency is a basic principle of the Rosseti Group. We are open to dialogue with all stakeholders and will continue to enhance the quality and efficiency of such communications.