Key Risks
The operations of the Company are invariably impacted by internal and external risks that have the potential to impede the achievement of the Company’s strategic goals. Regular monitoring and effective risk management allows making well‑founded management decisions and ensuring stable operation of the Company.
In 2023, the Company had a registerApproved by the decision of the Board of Directors dated 27 January 2015 (Minutes No. 248 dated 29 January 2015). of key operational risks (KOR) in place, assessed their impact on the achievement of the Company’s performance targets, regularly updated the materiality level and carried out risk management measures.
The scenario‑expert or expert method was used to evaluate the risks. Based on the results of the assessment, the risk materiality level was determined in accordance with the materiality levels (moderate, significant, critical) defined in the Operational Risk Assessment MethodologyApproved by Order No. 86 dated 21 March 2016..