Personnel and Remuneration Committee

Dear Shareholders,

The Committee works towards efficient implementation of the Company’s HR policy. In the reporting period, the Committee continued to improve its approach to motivating key employees and members of the governing bodies.

Among the issues considered were the results of the self‑assessment of the Board of Directors and Committees and the execution of the Development Plans of the subsidiaries for 2022.

The Committee worked to approve the Procedure for Calculating Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and Functional Key Performance Indicators (FKPI) for Rosseti’s management personnel and assess the achievement of these KPIs for 2023, paying special attention to the efficiency of innovation activities. Our specialist determined target values of KPIs for the forthcoming period. In preparation for the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Committee issued recommendations on the remuneration of Board members who are not civil officers.

In the next corporate year, we plan to consider the approval of 2024–2026 KPIs for the Company and its executive team.

Chairman of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors of the Company

The activities of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee are regulated by the Regulations on the Personnel and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company as amended and approved by the resolution of the Board of Directors dated 3 October 2016Minutes of meeting of the Company’s Board of Directors No. 341 dated 5 October 2016..

Members of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee

Full name, position Composition of the Committee from 01.01.2023 to 27.03.2023Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company dated 30 June 2022 (Minutes No. 581 dated 1 July 2022). Composition of the Committee from 27.03.2023 to 30.06.2023Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company dated 27 March 2023 (Minutes No. 613 dated 30 March 2023). Composition of the Committee from 30.06.2023 to 31.12.2023Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company dated 30 June 2023 (Minutes No. 624 dated 3 July 2023). Participation in Committee meetings in 2023
Director 2‑9 Chairman of the Committee Independent Director + + 6/6
Director 1‑11 Independent Director + 1/1
Director 2‑10 Independent Director + + 6/6
Director 1‑10 Independent Director + 1/1
Director 2‑11 Independent Director + + 6/6
Director 1‑6 + 1/1

Activities in 2023

Categories of the matters reviewed by the Personnel and Remuneration Committee, %

In 2023, the Personnel and Remuneration Committee held 7 meetings (all in absentia) and considered 14 issues.

Key Focus Areas of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee Key Issues Reviewed
  • Development of policies for remuneration of Board members, senior officials and supervision over their implementation
  • Preliminary assessment of the key workers of the Company based on the results of the year
  • Development of terms of employment contracts with members of the Management Board and key workers of the Company
  • Development of recommendations to the Board of Directors on determining the amount of remuneration and principles for remuneration of the Corporate Secretary of the Company
  • Assessment of the performance of the Board of Directors and its members, determination of priority areas to reinforce the composition of the Board of Directors
  • Preparation of recommendations to shareholders regarding voting on the election of candidates to the Board of Directors
  • Development of top management succession policies
  • Planning of personnel appointments (talent pool) of senior officials, recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding candidates for the positions of senior officials and the Corporate Secretary of the Company

On recommendations to the Board of Directors of PJSC Rosseti on matters related to:

  • Results of self‑assessment of the Board of Directors and Committees for 2022
  • Approval of internal documents on labour remuneration and material incentives, as well as calculation of KPIs for PJSC Rosseti’s management personnel
  • Calculation of KPIs and FKPIs of the Company’s management personnel
  • Approval of the progress report of the Development Plans of subsidiaries of PJSC Rosseti
  • Approval of the 2022 KPI achievement report for the Company’s top managers, including in the field of innovation activities
All the decisions proposed by the management were approved by the Committee members.