Basis and Purpose of Shareholding

In addition to overseeing the implementation of technical and financial policies as well as investment planning, PJSC Rosseti, which is in charge of the transmission and distribution grids, coordinates the activities of the grid operators in the Russian Federation.

PJSC Rosseti is tasked with overseeing and managing strategic operations in addition to resolving institutional issues that affect the whole sector. This task is stipulated by the current Strategy for the Development of the Power Grid Complex of the Russian Federation approved by Executive Order No. 511‑r of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 3 April 2013.

Putting forward an effective policy in the controlled sector of the economy is made feasible by the state’s preponderant position (75.2780% of outstanding sharesIncluding the outstanding shares of the additional issue of securities (state issue number 1-01-65018-D-109D dated 21 August 2023).) in the share capital structure of PJSC Rosseti.

Key Assets‑Related Objectives:
  • Guaranteed energy security at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the country as a whole
  • Reliable, high‑quality and affordable energy supply to consumers
  • Development of power grid infrastructure for sustainable social and economic growth of the Russian Federation
  • Creation of conditions for transition to environmentally friendly and resource‑saving energy, stimulation of rational environmental management and energy efficiency
  • Formation of long‑term economically justified tariffs for power transmission services that ensure efficient functioning of the power grid complex and economic development
  • Higher efficiency and effectiveness of all levels of management of the power grid complex
  • Boosting of the power grid sector’s capacity for science and innovation and promotion of associated sectors
  • Maximum use of equipment manufactured in the Russian Federation
  • Attractive return on capital for all investors