Analysis of operating results

The Rosseti Group’s core business involves the provision of electricity transmission and distribution services, as well as grid connection services

Power transmission

Indicator 2021 2022 2023 plan 2023 actual Change 2023/2022 2024 plan
Electricity delivery to the gridIndicators given include mathematical rounding of values to integers., mln kWh 866,031 864,856 860,144 874,808 1.15% 883,119
Electricity delivery from the grid, mln kWh 791,533 789,743 784,967 799,120 1.19% 807,512
Electricity losses in the grid, mln kWh 74,498 75,113 75,177 75,689 0.77% 75,607
Level of electric power losses, % 8.60 8.69 8.74 8.65 –0.04 p.p. 8.56
Indicators of energy transmission services
Subsidiary Volume of electricity supply to the grid, mln kWh Volume of electricity delivery from the grid to consumers, mln kWh Level of electric power losses, %
2021 2022 2023 plan 2023 actual 2024 plan 2021 2022 2023 plan 2023 actual 2024 plan 2021 2022 2023 plan 2023 actual 2024 plan
PJSC Rosseti Centre 60,161 60,082 59,073 59,721 59,334 54,120 53,804 52,778 53,474 53,032 10.04 10.45 10.66 10.46 10.62
PJSC Rosseti Centre and Volga Region 53,797 53,884 53,196 54,469 54,006 49,863 50,007 49,266 50,481 50,018 7.31 7.19 7.39 7.32 7.38
PJSC Rosseti Volga 52,785 52,089 51,827 52,417 52,687 49,719 49,067 48,715 49,524 49,640 5.81 5.80 6.00 5.52 5.78
PJSC Rosseti North‑West 33,673 33,399 33,518 33,341 33,354 31,555 31,431 31,495 31,399 31,320 6.29 5.89 6.03 5.83 6.10
PJSC Rosseti Siberia 60,926 61,035 60,222 62,136 61,849 56,349 56,383 55,524 57,329 57,001 7.51 7.62 7.80 7.74 7.84
JSC RES 14,774 13,284 10.08
PJSC Rosseti Tomsk 4,999 5,223 5,171 5,138 5,007 4,525 4,755 4,707 4,679 4,556 9.48 8.96 8.97 8.93 9.01
PJSC Rosseti Lenenergo 71,143 72,958 72,757 73,683 71,416 66,388 68,235 67,998 68,971 66,836 6.68 6.47 6.54 6.40 6.41
PJSC Rosseti South 28,922 28,747 28,891 29,197 29,434 26,092 25,983 26,117 26,450 26,612 9.78 9.61 9.60 9.41 9.59
PJSC Rosseti Northern Caucasus 20,299 21,398 21,882 21,958 22,597 15,356 15,978 16,730 16,006 17,006 24.35 25.33 23.54 27.11 24.74
JSC Chechenenergo 3,155 3,207 3,311 3,330 3,448 2,019 2,165 2,296 2,156 2,304 35.99 32.49 30.65 35.26 33.18
PJSC Rosseti Kuban 25,222 26,062 26,300 26,860 27,162 22,720 23,583 23,702 24,312 24,485 9.92 9.51 9.88 9.49 9.86
PJSC Rosseti Moscow Region 97,649 98,771 99,406 99,736 98,966 89,988 91,131 91,819 92,169 91,421 7.85 7.73 7.63 7.59 7.62
PJSC Rosseti Lenenergo 42,163 41,680 36,578 37,351 37,200 38,022 37,495 32,457 33,143 33,007 9.82 10.04 11.27 11.27 11.27
JSC Rosseti Tyumen 53,667 56,194 55,831 55,029 55,038 52,204 54,712 54,338 53,561 53,613 2.73 2.64 2.67 2.67 2.59
JSC Rosseti Yantar 4,403 4,397 4,423 4,454 4,470 3,982 3,986 4,011 4,040 4,054 9.56 9.35 9.31 9.31 9.32
Total for the distribution grid complex 612,962 619,126 612,385 618,820 630,740 562,902 568,715 561,951 567,693 578,187 8.17 8.14 8.24 8.26 8.33
Transmission grid complex 597,974 594,080 596,470 605,333 609,306 573,536 569,378 571,727 580,771 586,252 4.26 4.34 4.33 4.23 3.93
Total for the Rosseti Group of companies 866,031 864,856 860,144 874,808 883,119 791,533 789,743 784,967 799,120 807,512 8.60 8.69 8.74 8.65 8.56

In 2023, the volume of electricity supplied to the grid by the Rosseti Group increased by 1.15% compared to 2022, totalling 874.8 billion kWh. The main reason behind the growth is an increase in electricity consumption by consumers.

The volume of electricity transmitted in 2023 increased by 1.19% compared to 2022, amounting to 799.1 billion kWh. The main reason behind the growth is an increase in electricity consumption by consumers. In 2024, electricity transmission is projected to increase on account of the projects implemented by the Rosseti Group to consolidate power grid assets.

The relative level of electricity losses in 2023 was 8.65% of electricity delivery to the grid, which is 0.09 p.p. below the planned level and 0.04 p.p. below the 2022 level. At the same time, losses exceeded the previous year’s figure by 576 million kWh, which is associated with the consolidation of power grid assets implemented by the Rosseti Group.

Electricity supply to the grid, mln kWh
Indicators of energy transmission services, %

Reducing electricity losses is a top priority for the Rosseti Group. Every power grid company of the Rosseti Group takes steps to lower losses.

The key areas of loss reduction measures are as follows:

  • Preventing off‑the‑meter electricity consumption
  • Improving the efficiency of grids and power facilities by renovating and reconfiguring grids, as well as reducing power consumption for own needs

To prevent off‑the‑meter consumption, the Rosseti Group’s companies have been installing modern electricity consumption metering devices in recent years.

Elena Andreeva

— The Rosseti Group is in charge of more than 20 million points of fiscal and technical electricity metering. About a third of them (6.8 million points) are equipped with modern metering devices. In 2023 alone, about 1.3 million devices were installed and verified, including almost 1.2 million metering points equipped with smart meters.

The expansion of the smart metering system is aligned with the adopted amendments to the Federal law “On Electricity”, according to which, since 1 July 2020, consumers do not have to buy meters and pay for their installation. This is now covered by energy companies — guaranteeing suppliers and grid operators. From 1 January 2022, the metering system is based on smart meters only. The equipment meets the requirements of the Rules for Providing Access to the Minimum Set of Functions of Electric Power (Capacity) Smart Metering Systems approvedResolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 890 dated 19 June 2020. by the Russian Government.

‘Smart’ metering allows us to reduce electricity losses and operating costs, as well as to improve payment discipline, while giving our customers accurate information about their electricity consumption and, consequently, an instrument to manage it.

— Rosseti is working hard to create an intelligent electricity metering system. How many smart meters have already been installed? What impact do these efforts have on customers and the grid sector?

Elena Andreeva, Deputy General Director for Sales of Services and Electricity Transmission

Grid Connection

In general, the Rosseti Group shows a slight year‑on‑year decrease in the main grid connection indicators for 2023, which is explained by a lower demand driven down as the amendments to the laws of the Russian Federation came into force on 1 July 2022, regarding the amount of payment for grid connections for applicants of the up to 150 kW category.

Capacity of received applications, concluded and executed grid connection agreements, GW
Number of accepted applications, concluded and executed grid connection agreements, thsd
Structure of executed grid connection agreements in 2023
Indicator Number of executed agreements Executed agreements, kW
up to 15 kW inclusive, total 368,693 4,237,634
including individuals, up to 15 kW inclusive 332,864 3,939,613
over 15 and up to 150 kW inclusive 32,363 2,179,387
over 150 kW and less than 670 kW 3,428 1,017,660
not less than 670 kW 1,538 5,431,762
power generation facilities 120 612,002
Total 406,142 13,478,445
Main indicators of grid connection in 2023 and plan for 2024
Indicators applications received applications received agreements concluded agreements concluded agreements executed agreements executed agreements executed agreements executed
number kW number kW number kW number kW
2023 Plan 2024
PJSC Rosseti Centre 54,927 3,916,421 38,470 972,306 50,745 1,103,740 31,253 758,365
PJSC Rosseti Lenenergo 41,652 2,849,605 26,410 1,010,294 33,959 1,128,221 23,272 972,586
PJSC Rosseti Moscow Region 85,287 9,142,792 58,144 3,090,326 77,259 2,241,474 56,527 2,743,741
PJSC Rosseti Volga 28,205 2,287,254 16,253 622,391 16,877 513,203 13,135 449,801
JSC Rosseti Yantar 10,223 471,988 5,348 184,419 5,483 138,089 4,576 142,038
PJSC Rosseti South 22,035 1,770,906 13,698 605,354 14,904 457,865 13,747 449,281
PJSC Rosseti Kuban 45,776 2,072,396 32,233 853,861 34,992 838,626 28,202 661,724
PJSC Rosseti Northern Caucasus 21,187 1,744,427 15,096 936,225 13,518 427,172 10,794 406,462
JSC Rosseti Tyumen 12,444 1,156,956 6,747 355,839 6,316 240,343 5,761 411,172
PJSC Rosseti Siberia 43,338 4,214,434 28,505 1,341,291 21,160 536,661 22,004 1,110,651
PJSC Rosseti Tomsk 2,131 69,431 1,617 53,565 1,635 43,711 1,492 31,847
PJSC Rosseti North‑West 25,950 1,881,320 17,389 680,091 19,536 470,063 7,635 410,132
PJSC Rosseti Lenenergo 48,248 3,862,322 27,516 939,553 31,269 740,711 19,630 887,554
PJSC Rosseti Centre and Volga Region 63,671 3,434,084 43,210 1,004,450 61,494 1,294,476 40,488 895,580
Other 25,596 3,465,607 16,018 913,074 16,816 666,572 15,070 698,493
Distribution complex 530,670 42,339,943 346,654 13,563,038 405,963 10,840,924 293,586 11,029,428
Transmission complex (PJSC Rosseti) 379 15,874,669 214 3,635,754 179 2,637,148 153 4,946,275
Total for the Rosseti Group of companies 531,049 58,214,612 346,868 17,198,792 406,142 13,478,072 293,739 15,975,704

Improving the quality of grid connection services

Effective and successful customer relations are a priority for the Rosseti Group’s companies. To this end, the Company applied a customer‑centric approach to its business processes, supported by the Uniform Quality Standards for Customer Service of the Rosseti Group’s companiesMinutes of the Management Board of PJSC Rosseti No. 25 dated 23 May 2023. approved the Management Board of PJSC Rosseti.

For the convenience of consumers, the Group has the following channels of interaction:

  • Face‑to‑face service offices
  • Power engineers’ hotline called Bright Line 220 with federal number 8‑800‑220‑0‑220
  • Digital services of PJSC Rosseti’s power grid portal (grid connection (GC) portal)
  • Mobile application Rosseti — My Account
  • Light Country portal

Based on customer needs and high demand for digital technologies, the Group transforms processes and introduces digital services, e.g., more than 50 services and facilities for consumers, grid operators and sales organisations were digitised on the GC Portal. In 2023, electronic services were upgraded and the functionality of the GC Portal was expanded as it comes to grid connections and additional services, as well as smart metering services.

To improve the accessibility of energy infrastructure and ensure uniform standards of electronic interaction, the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions) offers the service on Rosseti grid connection of power receivers, which covers all regions where the Rosseti Group operates. PJSC Rosseti helped to connect third‑party LGOs to the Unified Portal via the GC Portal. As of the end of 2023, the Rosseti Group received 448,000 grid connection applications through the digital services of the GC and the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions).

Main values and principles of the Uniform Customer Service Quality Standards

Availability of infrastructure, services and facilities
  • Non‑discriminatory access to energy infrastructure in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation
  • Accessibility of services and facilities for all consumers, taking into account their specific characteristics, and elimination of barriers
  • Focus on the needs of consumers in building customer services and facilities

Quality of services and facilities

  • Achievement of the established indicators of reliability and quality of services
  • Improvement of the quality of services and facilities
  • Proactive service delivery based on feedback and analytics
  • Integration of digital technologies and digitalisation of services and facilities

Openness and transparency

  • Regular feedback from consumers
  • Open dialogue with all categories of consumers, consideration of feedback and consumer needs
  • Transparency of business processes and objective consideration of consumer complaints
Level of customer satisfaction with grid connection services, points (out of 10 possible)