National Project:
Geographical spread of projects:
Republic of Adygeya, Sverdlovsk Region
PJSC Rosseti Kuban
Project | Construction of an all‑season mountain eco‑resort, Lagonaki, in the Republic of Adygey |
Work done | Construction of a 110 kV double‑transformer substation, 110 kV feeder lines with a total length of more than 80 km, and a 10 kV distribution grid (both overhead and cable type) with a total length of about 10 km is underway |
Outcome | The requested capacity is almost 16 MW. The establishment of a mountain eco‑resort will provide opportunities for accelerated development of tourism in southern Russia |
PJSC Rosseti Ural
Project | Tourist Centre Gari Wharf in the Garinsky Urban District |
Work done | To connect the tourist cluster to the Company’s grids, our power engineers created a new power distribution grid infrastructure:
Outcome | The project is designed to increase the tourist attractiveness of both Garinsky Urban District and the region as a whole |