Sustainable Development Policy
The main objective of the Sustainable Development Policy of PJSC Rosseti (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) is to define the Company’s consistent principles and approaches to sustainable development, and to ensure a holistic approach to environmental, social, and corporate responsibility concerns in the Company’s subsidiaries through identifying the main goals, practices and trends.
Six principles of Rosseti’s sustainable development activities

Sustainable development areas of the Company
- Financial sustainability of operations
- Contribution to the economic development of the country
- Contribution to the economic growth of counterparties
- Development of responsible financing instruments
- Effective corporate governance framework
- Atmospheric air protection
- Waste management
- Rational use of water resources
- Rational land use
- Biodiversity conservation
- Respect for human rights
- Development of human resources
- Labour protection, industrial safety and reliability
- Gender balance
- Community development
- Charity and sponsorship

— Have the Company’s sustainable development priorities changed due to restructuring?
— In the reporting year, the restructuring of the transmission and distribution grid facilities was completed. Unification of approaches to ESG activities within the Group’s perimeter is forthcoming. We expect that the introduction of a single centre of responsibility will increase our contribution to the implementation of the relevant UN goals. As a first step, the Board of Directors of PJSC Rosseti approved the Sustainable Development Policy. The document identifies the Company’s consistent principles and approaches in this regard. Similar internal documents were approved by our subsidiaries.
At the same time, the basic principles that the Rosseti Group's companies have been adhering to in the area of sustainable development for many years will not change: reliable and high‑quality power supply to consumers, environmental stewardship, and, by all means, fulfilment of social obligations to employees.
— What are the specifics of ESG priorities for companies in the power industry?
— Recently, the sustainable development agenda has been undergoing changes. Priorities are being transformed, and the focus is shifting. This is relevant not only for power industry companies but for all sectors of the economy as well. Whereas attaining carbon neutrality and mitigating the adverse effects were the main concerns a few years ago, the social aspect has now taken stage. The value of human capital is being more recognised. I believe this approach is fair and justified, especially for companies of the Rosseti Group.
People are our most valuable resource, and because of the peculiarities of the power grid industry, we also have an extra obligation to safeguard the lives and well‑being of our employees. The fundamental principle is a preventive approach: timely personnel training and strict adherence to labour protection requirements. We place particular emphasis on improving employee well‑being and creating opportunities to unleash potential. We run our own educational programmes, host professional skills competitions, and actively participate in the projects of the Presidential Platform: Russia, the Land of Opportunities.
Certainly, the E and G components also remain relevant.
We pay great attention to reforestation, safe waste management, biodiversity concerns and energy efficiency.
Sustainable development issues are integrated into the Company’s corporate governance system at all levels. When making management decisions, the Board of Directors and the Company’s management are mindful of ESG factors.
The validity of ESG prioritisation is confirmed by the expert community. We are proud that in the reporting year, the Company’s ESG rating was raised one notch to ESG‑2.