Strategic Priorities of the Company in Relation to Russia's National Projects and UN SDGs
PJSC Rosseti is actively involved in addressing today's global challenges. The Company contributes to the implementation of Russia's National Projects, as well as to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In 2023, the Company actively participated in the realisation of 13 out of 14 Russian National Projects as part of its regular operations.
Since 2017, the Company has annually declared its commitment to the UN SDGs and ranked them in order of significance. PJSC Rosseti recognises the importance of all 17 SDGs and strives to contribute to the achievement of each of them. Owing to the unique nature of its business, the Company has determined which ten SDGs are most important and where it can made the biggest contribution. PJSC Rosseti endeavours to seize every chance to accomplish each of the other SDGs.
Contribution to the national projects
Contribution to the UN SDGs
Company contribution
- Provision of voluntary medical insurance for all employees (except for half‑time and part‑time employees) regardless of the type of employment and position
- Casualty insurance of employees
- Non‑state pension scheme
- Programmes to support employees' healthy lifestyles
- Development of internal initiatives to support psychological health and a healthy atmosphere within the Company
- Availability and development of the occupational health and safety system
- Zero accident concept and relevant measures
- Provision of milk, as well as restorative and preventive nutrition to personnel working in harmful labour conditions
- Organisation of power supply at social infrastructure facilities
Results of 2023
100% of the Group's full‑time employees are covered by Voluntary Medical Insurance Programme and Accident and Health Insurance Programme.
Company contribution
- Education, practical training and advanced training of employees
- Co‑operation with higher and secondary specialised educational institutions in the field of personnel training in power engineering
- External social programmes aimed at supporting education in the regions where the Company operates
- Internships and practical training for students at the Company's production facilities
- Assistance in the development of pre‑school, school, vocational and supplementary education
- Organisation of power supply at social infrastructure facilities
Results of 2023
the total cost of training for the Rosseti Group's employees in 2023
average number of training hours per employee in 2023
schoolchildren took part in the Rosseti Group's corporate olympiad
Company contribution
- Expansion of the geography of power supply to settlements by increasing the number of infrastructure facilities
- Higher reliability of power supply to consumers in urban and rural areas
- Organisation of power supply at transport and social infrastructure facilities
- Reduction of negative environmental impact in the regions of operation through regular upgrade of equipment
Results of 2023
Company contribution
- Participation in road construction and overhaul projects
Results of 2023
Company contribution
- Charitable assistance to schools, orphanages, boarding schools, rehabilitation centres for children with disabilities, social service and rehabilitation centres, veterans, disabled people, veterans' councils and clubs
- Provision of voluntary medical insurance for all employees (except for half‑time and part‑time employees) regardless of the type of employment and position
- Organisation of power supply at social infrastructure facilities
- Promotion of physical culture and amateur sports
- Implementation of social programmes aimed at maintaining health and social protection of employees
- Non‑state pension scheme
- Programmes to support employees' healthy lifestyles
Company contribution
- Implementation of charitable projects for the protection and proper maintenance of buildings, objects and territories of historical, cult and cultural significance;
- Promotion of culture, art and education
- Organisation of power supply at social infrastructure facilities
- Popularisation of culture and art as part of the patronage of exhibition projects run by state museums

Company contribution
- Development of grid infrastructure, including implementation of major infrastructure projects, creation of industrial production facilities, additional jobs, promotion of agglomerations
- Commissioning of new substations for the development of industry, social and infrastructure facilities, creation of conditions for new grid connections
- Upgrade of systemically important power supply centres in the regions
Results of 2023
The first stage of the project to develop the power supply scheme for the Eastern Railway Range was completed
Power facilities were commissioned for such large consumers as Amur Gas Chemical Complex, Malmyzhskoye copper deposit, etc.
Company contribution
- Implementation of a set of measures aimed at improving energy efficiency
- Resource utilisation efficiency and reduction of negative environmental impact
- Implementation of a programme for collection and recycling of equipment and exited cells
- Establishment of a list of technologies and materials prohibited by internal regulations
- Analysis and assessment of climate risks, including physical and transient risks
- Integration of assessment results into existing processes
- Calculation and publication of the results of quantitative assessment of direct greenhouse gas emissions
- Compensation planting
- Monitoring the state of biodiversity and implementation of mitigation programmes
- Replacement of high‑voltage PTLs with underground cables in order to reduce the probability of fire risks and risks to ecosystems
- Measures to ensure ornithological safety of power grid facilities
- Support to environmental initiatives implemented by Russian and international industry organisations
Results of 2023
in environmental protection expenditures of the Rosseti Group in 2023
new bird diverters installed by the Company in 2023
of land reclaimed
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1) in 2023
Company contribution
- Development of the regional economy through priority support of local suppliers
- Support for SMEs in procurement procedures
Results of 2023
total share of procurement from SMEs in 2023, including subcontracting
Company contribution
- Implementation of the Digital Transformation Strategy
- Introduction of digital technologies into business processes and customer services
- Development of technological communication networks
- Increase in the length of FOCL
- Development of high‑frequency communication network
- Development of automatic process management systems
- Stronger co‑operation with other companies in the industry and the scientific community
Results of 2023
R&D expenses in 2023
of transmission and distribution FOCLs in 2023

Company contribution
- Increase in labour productivity
- Creation of jobs in the regions of operations
- Decent wages and working conditions and respect for employees' rights
- Safe working conditions and labour protection
- Equal opportunities for highly productive labour, professional growth and unlocking the creative potential of each employee of the Company
- Respect for different nationalities and rejection of discrimination in any form and for any reason
- Co‑operation with educational institutions to support innovative activities and expand employment opportunities for young specialists
Results of 2023
new jobs were created in the regions of operation
students were trained in the reporting year to cover the workforce demand of the Rosseti Group's companies

Company contribution
- Promotion of tourism infrastructure development: organisation of power supply at tourist sites and transport infrastructure facilities
- Preservation and development of grid infrastructure
- Expansion of the territory of presence and power supply to hard‑to‑reach, remote settlements
- Promotion of the availability of electric vehicles in Russia
Results of 2023
Company contribution
- Strategic cooperation with foreign partners on issues related to the development of the electric power industry, sharing of experience and best practices, particularly in the area of innovative technologies and energy efficiency
- Promotion of the Rosseti Group's own competences and developments in foreign markets
- Training and advanced training for foreign specialists under the training programmes of the Rosseti Group's training centres
Results of 2023
In 2023, the Group interacted with partners from 13 foreign countries under signed agreements and/or regular business contacts