Staff Training and Development
Training, retraining and professional development
One of the key factors in the reliability of the power grid complex is the high level of staff training of the Rosseti Group's companies. The Group successfully implements a personnel training policy aimed at maintaining and developing the professional and personal competences of employees and unleashing the human resources potential.
In 2023, employees of the Rosseti Group's companies took 249,368 man‑courses under various educational programmes (professional training and retraining, advanced training, training aimed at developing personal and business skills, etc.). In 2023, the average number of training hours per employee was 49.5, which is slightly more than in 2022 (49 hours per employee).
The training of production personnel is of top priority in the training and development of the Company’s employees. For this, the Group has 30 corporate training centres in all regions where the Rosseti Group operates, not to mention the branch network. To ensure uniform training standards, corporate training centres follow 64 recommended standard educational programmes, which were developed by specialists of the Company’s Executive Office in line with the requirements of vocational standards. In 2023, employees of the Rosseti Group's companies completed 188,144 man‑courses at corporate training centres.
The Company runs the Knowledge Day corporate educational project, which allows employees to improve their professional skills on‑the‑job through participating in weekly short‑term educational events on various topical issues where the most experienced and recognised experts among the Company’s employees share their experience. In 2023, 43 mass‑scale training events were organised as part of the project.
In 2023, a project was launched to develop the core professional, technical, and personal competences for supervisors of substations and substation groups. The project involves the assessment and subsequent training of substation supervisors. In 2023, assessment tools for professional testing were developed. The assessment of substation supervisors, analysis of the results, and training of assessment‑takers based on the assessment results are planned for 2024.

Personnel assessment
Activities to assess the collaborative and managerial competences of employees and the talent pool are practiced on a regular basis. In 2023, psychometric assessment tools were applied during recruitment, rotation, promotion to management positions, and selection to the talent pool.
In the reporting period, assessment activities were also undertaken for the following categories of employees:
- Young employees of the Group taking part in the Forsazh 2023 forum
- MPG Investment Block managers
- MPG/MPGE managers
- Employees/external candidates for vacant positions in the Company
Independent assessment of personnel qualifications
The Rosseti Group conducts an independent assessment of employee qualifications on an ongoing basisIn accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 238-FZ On Independent Assessment of Qualifications dated 3 July 2016.. Under the auspices of the Council for Professional Qualifications, there are five Qualification Assessment Centres founded by PJSC Rosseti’s subsidiaries. In the reporting period, the Qualification Assessment Centres organised the qualification assessments of 3,985 employees of the Group.
Personnel satisfaction
In 2023, a personnel satisfaction survey was launched in nine areas: corporate communications, working conditions, nature of work, motivation system, loyalty to the Company, relationship with an immediate manager, relationship with colleagues, career and professional development, and social sphere. This project’s objective is annual monitoring of the level of personnel satisfaction and the development of measures aimed at its improvement, as well as the implementation of those measures.