Social policy
The Rosseti Group implements social programmes aimed at maintaining employee health, motivation, and social protection.
Youth policy
The Company carries out consistent activities with schoolchildren and students, provides conditions and opportunities for successful adaptation and effective self‑realisation of young specialists, and development of their potential. The main areas of work with young people are stated in the Company’s Youth Policy approved by the Company’s organisational and regulatory document.
- The Rosseti Group's companies, together with partner educational institutions, organise power engineering classes and power engineering clubs for high school students.
- In 2023, for the sixth time, the Rosseti Group held the corporate Olympiad for about 9,500 schoolchildren from across the country
- Employer‑sponsored education of students at the employer’s request is a traditional mechanism for attracting young specialists, which helps meet promising needs for qualified personnel focused on long‑term successful employment and career growth in the Group’s companies. In 2023, 349 applicants were enrolled for training. In the reporting year, a total of 1,700 students receive training of all levels and all types in the interests of the Rosseti Group's companies.
- To immerse young specialists in their trade and ensure their professional adaptation, more than 10,000 people completed internships at the Group companies in 2023.
- An additional form of professional adaptation implemented by the Company since 2010 is the organisation of student teams. In 2023, over 2,000 students (grouped in relevant teams) worked at the Company’s facilities.
- Practice‑oriented training for young specialists and stimulation of scientific activity among young people are promoted by certain measures taken in cooperation with the Youth Section of the RNC CIGRE, which is supervised by PJSC Rosseti.
- To contribute to the development of young specialists who are the Company’s employees, there are measures in place, particularly, corporate and partnership projects. In 2023, youth teams representing the Group took part in the Forsazh International Community Forum, ‘Engineers of the Future’ International Youth Industrial Forum, Youth Day events of the Russian Power Week International Forum, and others.

Promotion of employeehealth
The Company actively supports initiatives aimed at the development of corporate sports and a healthy lifestyle among employees.
During the year, sports teams took part in the Rosseti Group mini‑football and volleyball tournaments, the XIII Botvinnik Memorial Open Chess Tournament for Power Companies’ Employees, and various sports competitions between fuel and energy complex companies. In addition, the Group’s employees took part in the All‑Russian individual and team billiard tournament Power Engineer Cup, the Russian Chess Championship among corporate teams and the All‑Russian Half‑Marathon Zabeg.RF.
Teams from the Executive Office and other branches of the Company participated in a traditional mini‑football event conducted in May 2023.
Veteran outreach
Social support for retired long‑service employees (so called veterans) of PJSC Rosseti is governed by the Regulations on Material Assistance to Veterans of PJSC Rosseti, which stipulate uniform assumptions for nominating veterans and the same standards for providing material assistance. Thus, each year, veterans receive a lump‑sum financial aid on the Company’s Day and Power Engineer Day as their professional holiday. In addition, some categories of veterans receive a monthly extra payment to their insurance pension, non‑recurrent financial aid for Victory Day, and additional medical care.