Health and safety management system
The Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) in place at the Rosseti Group is aimed at eliminating work‑related accidents and work‑related ill health, developing skills to behave safely at work and prevent dangerous situations, and continuously improving working conditions.
The purpose of HSMS is to ensure continuous improvement of occupational safety and the preservation of life and health of the Rosseti Group's employees, as well as employees of contractors and third parties.
As part of HSMS, the Rosseti Group's companies employ trained and educated specialists who meet professional standards approved by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.
Based on the results of an independent external audit of the quality and efficiency of HSMS, which was completed in 2022, the following work was completed in the reportingyear:
- Revision of HSMS RegulationOrder No. 412 dated 21 September 2023.
- Adoption of the Rosseti Group’s Occupational Health and Safety Policy
- Formulation of the Code for the Development and Improvement of Safety Culture at the Rosseti Group
- Training for managers and specialists
In 2023, the relevant activities continued to reduce work‑related accidents:
- Measures were taken to introduce live work
- Digital technologies aimed at organising safe work performance were developed and implemented
- Personnel training was conducted to improve the quality of investigation and analysis of the causes of work‑related accidents
- Round tables were held with manufacturers of protective equipment, materials and devices