Stakeholder Relations

Viable and mutually beneficial stakeholder engagement is one of PJSC Rosseti’s priorities in sustainable development.

Rosseti employee

The Company recognises the importance of building effective relations with stakeholders. PJSC Rosseti has a procedure for reviewing the list of stakeholders once every two years. The process includes analysing the Company’s activities and external context, and assessing the mutual influence of PJSC Rosseti and stakeholders. Most recently, the list of stakeholders was revised while compiling the Company’s 2023 Social Responsibility and Corporate Sustainable Development Report. The next revision is scheduled as part of the preparation of the forthcoming annual Report.

Key topics and channels of stakeholder engagement
Stakeholder group Stakeholders Key topics of engagement Direct personal interaction External events (conferences, forums, etc.) and meetings Exchange of reports Business correspondence and phone calls Internal portal Contractual relations, implementation of agreements Information disclosure on the official website of PJSC Rosseti

Stakeholders and Investors



  • Economic efficiency of operations
  • Management practices
  • Growth of share capital
  • Sustainable development performance
  • Stability of the business in the longer term
  • Transparency and reliability of reporting

Partners, including non-profit ones
Banks and financial institutions
  • Co‑operation for fundraising
  • Business ethics and reputation
  • Investment attractiveness
  • Business sustainability
  • Effective risk management

Professional associations

Industry organisations

  • Exchange of experience
  • Development and modernisation of the electric power industry
  • Spread of green electricity and energy transition
Suppliers and contractors
  • Supply of goods and performance of works
  • Competitive procurement
  • Transparency and business ethics
  • Import substitution
  • Regional economic development

Customers and consumers of services
  • Quality of services and stable energy supply
  • Business ethics
  • Fulfilment of contractual obligations and cooperation

The State
Public authorities
  • Development and modernisation of the Unified National Power Grid of Russia
  • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
  • Social and economic activities
  • Environmental protection activities
  • Taxation
Regional and local self‑government authorities
  • Social and economic development of the Company’s footprint regions
  • Energy supply to key regional industrial and social facilities
  • Charitable and sponsorship initiatives
  • Taxation

The public
Population of regions of operation, local communities
  • Reliability of power supply
  • Employment opportunities
  • Environmental impact
  • Development of regional infrastructure
  • Charitable and sponsorship initiatives
Scientific community
  • Development and modernisation of the electric power industry
  • Spread of green electricity and energy transition
  • Research and innovation
  • Environmental and health protection, application of relevant advanced technologies
  • International science and technology dialogue
Educational institutions
  • Education and career guidance
  • Employment of specialists
  • Unleashing the scientific potential
  • Development of innovative technologies
Environmental institutions
  • Environmental protection activities and the Company’s environmental impact
  • Environmental safety of power grids
  • Environmental protection initiatives
  • Dissemination of responsible environmental management practices
Public social and charitable organisations
  • Charitable and sponsorship initiatives
  • Respect for the rights of employees and other stakeholders
  • Social responsibility
Mass media
  • A wide range of topics affecting all of the Company’s stakeholders

Internal stakeholders
  • Implementation of the Long‑Term Development Programme
  • Operating efficiency
  • Fulfilment of the business plan and achievement of KPIs
  • Adherence to sustainable development principles
Top management of the Company
  • Implementation of the Long‑Term Development Programme
  • Economic and operational efficiency
  • Management practices
  • Fulfilment of the business plan and achievement of KPIs
  • Adherence to sustainable development principles
Company personnel
  • Decent working conditions and remuneration
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Professional development and training
  • Social safeguard
Company veterans (retirees)
  • Decent remuneration and recognition
  • Exchange of experience