Economic Activity Safety Measures

Anti‑Terrorist and Anti‑Crime Protection

The Company’s anti‑terrorism policy is in full compliance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 256‑FZ dated 21 July 2011 “On the Safety of Fuel and Energy Facilities”, the requirements of the Russian Federation Government Resolution No. 993 dated 19 September 2015 “On Approval of Requirements for Ensuring Security of Line Facilities of the Fuel and Energy Complex” and consists in organising and carrying out measures aimed at strengthening engineering and technical and anti‑terrorist protection of the Company’s facilities.

The facilities of the Company were sufficiently shielded from acts of unauthorised interference thanks to the organisational and planning measures taken during the reporting period.

Steps were made to strengthen the facility’s defences against terrorism and sabotage, while also improving overall security given the operational environment.

These steps were completed with an eye towards developing new threats to power grid facilities and countermeasures against unfavourable outcomes.

Economic Resilience

As part of the actions taken in 2023 to safeguard the Company’s economic interests:

  • RUB 16,577 million in potential economic harm to the Company’s interests was avoided
  • In relation to 2,273 applications made to law enforcement, 542 criminal proceedings were instituted, with 63% of cases related to third‑party theft of ferrous and non‑ferrous metal products from power grid facilities and electrical equipment
  • Measures were taken to recover overdue receivables for electricity transmission services on the basis of writs of enforcement, resulting in a total of RUB 7,139 million reimbursed

Ensuring the security of economic activity