Information about the Meetings held in the Reporting Year

In most cases, the issues included by the Board of Directors in the agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders are supported by the Meeting and resolutions on them are taken. This is due to both the high‑quality review of materials at the stage of preparation for the Meeting and consistency in decision‑making by the members of the Board of Directors representing the interests of the largest shareholders, as well as the controlling interest of the major shareholder and related parties. Resolutions on every item on the Meeting’s agenda were adopted during the reporting period thanks to the Russian Federation’s 75.000048%As of 31 December 2023, the share of the Russian Federation is 75.2780% of the outstanding shares, including additional issue of securities (state issue number: 1-01-65018-D-109D dated 21 August 2023). stake in the authorised capital of PJSC Rosseti.