Ensuring industrial safety

The Company follows industrial safety requirements in strict compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The Company ensures control over compliance with both mandatory and additional industrial safety requirements.

The Rosseti Group operates 778 hazardous production facilities (HPFs) of hazard classes III and IV.

The operation of the Company’s hazardous production facilities is organised in accordance with the requirements of the Federal law On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production FacilitiesFederal law No. 116-FZ dated 21 July 1997. and other industrial safety regulations.

In 2023, the following measures were taken to ensure industrial safety requirements:
  • Maintenance and repair of HPFs, 2,867 industrial safety reviews and 6,563 technical inspections
  • Industrial safety training and certification of 6,844 employees whose activities are related to the operation of HPFs
  • Annual contracts of compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility for damage caused by an accident at such a facility
In 2023, industrial safety projects were also implemented:
  • Proposals to the legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety were developed and delivered accordingly
  • Organisational and regulatory documents related to industrial safety activities were updated in accordance with legal requirements (Procedure for Training, Certification, and Knowledge Testing of Employees in the Field of Industrial Safety at the Rosseti Group)
  • Procedures were undertaken for the registration, exclusion, and re‑registration of hazardous production facilities in the State Register of Hazardous Production Facilities In accordance with the requirements of Rostechnadzor Order No. 140 dated 8 April 2019 On Approval of the Administrative Regulations for the Provision of the State Service for the Registration of Hazardous Production Facilities in the State Register of Hazardous Production Facilities by the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service.

In the reporting year, PJSC Rosseti recorded one incident and one accident during the operation of HPFs (hoisting facilities) at the Company. Accidents and incidents are investigated in accordance with the requirements of the Procedure for Technical Investigation of Accidents, Incidents and Loss of Industrial ExplosivesApproved by Rostechnadzor Order No. 503 dated 8 December 2020..

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