National Project:

Geographical spread of projects:

Krasnodar, Krasnodar Territory, Penza, Perm, Tomsk, Volgograd Region

PJSC Rosseti Kuban

Project Stage 2 of renovation and expansion of the Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after Prof. S.V. Ochapovsky, Krasnodar
Work done 110 kV and 10 kV feeder PTLs were built and some existing 110 kV PTL sections were renovated
Outcome Power allocated is 7.68 MW

PJSC Rosseti Kuban

Project Construction of medical centres in eight settlements in the Krasnodar Territory
Work done Linear and substation facilities for the 0.4–10 kV distribution grid were built

Total power allocated is 3.2 MW.

The actual connection will be performed upon completion of the construction of health care facilities and readiness to receive voltage and electric power


Project Construction of a polyclinic in Tomsk with a prospective capacity of 400 visits per shift
Work done Grid connection with 600 kW maximum power of consumer terminals was made
Outcome Provision of medical services to the residents of the newly constructed residential area Yuzhnye Vorota (South Gate)

PJSC Rosseti Ural

Project Construction of a new regional infectious disease hospital in Perm
Work done Two integrated cubicle transformer substations were installed (each equipped with two transformers of 1,000 kVA each). 6–0.4 kV cable lines were routed (800 m of total length)
Outcome Power supply of 3 MW was provided

PJSC Rosseti Volga

Project Construction of a new laboratory and diagnostic building for the regional oncological centre in Penza
Work done Two 10 kV cable lines, each 2.8 km long, were built. Two 10/0.4 kV transformer substations, each with 2,500 kVA transformers, were installed on the territory of the centre
Outcome Reliable power supply to the new medical facility from the power supply centre of Yubileynaya 110 kV substation was provided

PJSC Rosseti South

Project Construction of a new first‑aid and obsteric station in the village of Kachalinskaya, Ilovlinsky district, Volgograd Region
Work done For uninterrupted power supply to the medical institution, the Company’s power engineers provided 21 kW of power and built two sections of 0.4 kV overhead power lines
Outcome About 550 residents of the village, as well as nearby villages and hamlets, will now be able to receive qualified medical care in a timely manner and without having to travel 60 km to the district centre